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Old 03-18-2017, 09:15 AM   #33
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Default Re: FFR Needs More/Better Beginner Songs

Originally Posted by rushyrulz View Post
Well it ends up just being the same old song and dance (pun kinda intended) of there not being enough beginner files, but nobody wanting to step easy shit.
And the reasons why are terrible, maybe I'm wrong but it seems like:

1. It's totally harder to chart something at a lower difficulty, and get it in.
2. These files will go unappreciated. There are players who literally don't see the value in ever playing the easier files.
3. Due to number two, a lot of simfile makers don't want to make it because it won't get played. People seem to prefer what I personally would consider the most boring of content: ratable jumpstream files. Nothing against those who make this, I've done it myself, but I find it really mundane, most of the time.

I'm a massive hypocrite if I don't step up (pun fully intended ayyyy) and make some myself. though, but between all my other gaming hobbies, and my immense lack of attention span, just lol. making files. I've also been focused on trying to make a minipack myself lately. Which has left no time for FFR files rofl. I still need to go readjust my Before Cynthia file.

Guess I need to send in some of the easier files I have sitting around, and make a few.
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