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Old 03-13-2017, 03:22 PM   #1
FFR Player
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Posts: 75
Default P3Prod's Progress Thread

Finally decided to make one of these, because why not. My skill has finally started to even itself out over 2 years of playing, so I suppose it's a good time to start recording some progress.

Currently working on ironing out issues with my speed control, then I plan on training jacks for a while before moving back to scoring on harder stuff. I hope to record progress here at least once a week.

I don't have any specific song goals (yet), but for now here are some scores that I am personally fond of, and might give an idea of where my skill currently stands (lots of images, beware):

Never managed AAA on this but I really like the MA

Best MA score for me imo

Some jack MA

One of my better stamina JS acc scores

Could certainly be improved but still quite nice for me

Didn't break 1000 marv but near FC on this on 1.1 is cool

Handstream kinda butchered my acc but still managed to hold together much better than I thought

Very good for me considering I can't even finish 1.3

Quite nice

Was pretty surprised at the PA on this

CBs are a bit messy but probably the peak of my jacking speed

Was really good for me at the time, still haven't beaten this

One of my best jumpstream scores

File is pretty overrated but near FC on this is still nice

Did not expect to FC the rest of this after the first miss was so early

Absolutely terrible CB rush at the end of the 24ths, but at least the rest was really nice

Quite good for me

Pretty tough stream patterns for me, managed to nail most of them so I'm happy with this

Been wanting a decent score on this for months, finally managed to do it

Really good for me considering how much trouble I usually have holding combo on this file


Great improvement

Happy with how clean this is

Pretty unexpected, nice PA as well

Great for when I got it

Same as The End 1.1.. really good for the time

Still my best score on 1.2

Probably my best stamina score atm

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