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Old 02-7-2017, 02:41 PM   #13
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Default Re: 365 Reviews Done

Day 369: Becoming X by Sneaker Pimps (Album Choice: MixMasterLar)

I remember playing Spin Spin Sugar (Armand's Dark Garage Mix) in DDR Extreme 2 when I was 8. I didn't like the song much back then, but I appreciated it a lot more somewhere in my mid-teens.

This album shifts between sounding like sweet candy sex and obnoxious candy trip hop genericness, and usually within the same song multiple times. That's completely the fault of the vocals. The instrumentals are great across the board, with beats simultaneously catchy and chill and psychedelia galore.

I just wish the singer didn't sound kinda like a teenager half the time.|

Best Track: Post-Modern Sleaze
Rating: 7/10
The above post has a 50% chance of being useless. Potentially. Maybe.

BEST AAAs: WANDERLUST, Pandora, Necropotence, Mourning The Lost, Eradication, Feldschlacht

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