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Old 01-12-2017, 10:32 PM   #29
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Default Re: Scintill's Minipack 2 Released!

Well hey, better late than never right?

Overall impressions
As a whole, very nice pack, it's clear a lot of thought went into all these. It's too bad the 20th century pack fell apart if this is the kind of thing it would have had. Highly recommend this pack to anyone who wants to work on accuracy and control, though it may not be the best on rates due to the nature of the files.

If you're only a fan of things like NBJS or skwid dumps, then this may not be the pack for you, but if you enjoy packs like DCP or ODI or Xoon, this is right up your alley. It has a very old-style SM feel to it, or even a FFR vibe I'd say.

This pack is also nice for anyone starting out, due to the range of difficulties typically being on the lower side. There's stuff for more veteran players too,
though; getting good MA on some of these may prove tricky and a fun challenge!

Also, this pack has some of the most unique song choices, which is neat in and of itself. Bravo, Scintill.

The files I highlighted in BLUE are my couple personal favourites that I think nearly anyone would enjoy. That's not to say the other ones are bad mind you (I can't really think of any bad files in this pack), just those are the ones that particularly left an impact.

Aladdin Sane Piano Solo
Cute file, probably a pain in the ass to sync, so props there it was great in that regard. I really liked the use of grace notes, and the trilly patterns were really comfortable to play overall. Interesting and unique song choice too, nice overall.

Good for bursty practice, though I feel the song/file dragged on a bit with it's length, though it was varied enough that it wasn't particularly monotonous or anything. Nice and varied; I always welcome a nice speed file that requires more than just ability with hitting 16th note streams.

Astral Dogma
I'm not a huge fan of the music, but wow this file was a ton of fun. Will be coming back to it for MA training for sure; lots of fun. I really like the broken and anchory patterning, the file as a whole just felt very good.

Blue Smoke
The kind of file I wish was around when I was first getting into SM, and I'd probably recommend this file for an introductory-esque pack. It's nice because it's simple fun kb-patterning streams, but then with a 24th or 32nd burst thrown in for a bit of variety and fun. Good on rates too (nudge to all the better players out there)

Break Stuff
10/10 gfx. Highly recommend this file for anyone wanting to practice control / broken glut patterns; definitely gonna recommend this file to anyone who wants acc practice / jacking / etc.

Cerebrospinal fluid Explosion Girl
This file feels really weird as a scintill file, it's not what I'd really expect from ya, but hey it's fun. Nice if you like jumptrills and jacks (trills and jacks are a constant theme with this pack so far it seems).

Hurray, rolls got used Anyways, another sweet easier file, though doesn't hold up quite as well as Blue Smoke on rates, it's much more fun on 1.0 than it. Really nice for acc training due to a large variety of patterning and syncopation.

Dig That Groove Baby
You don't see this kind of file much these days. All the bpm changes and syncing were really special by today's standards, and I for one appreciated it. It's nice how you made the quick streams at the start of the file easier too so it doesn't ruin the overall difficulty of the file. Fun file would recommend.

Every Change of Hope is Destroyed
Nice file, I really like the use of the quicker rolls and staircase patterns etc. Feels very satisfying to combo.

Got Your Money
This file made me realize how rhythmically impaired I really am, oops. Pretty fun though, nice quadbait and will come back to perhaps to warm up accuracy sometime. It's a nice easier kb file too for anyone who wants that kind of thing nowadays.

Hana -a last flower-
I think this song and file really solidify this as one of the most musically and patternically varied packs; quite different indeed. Fun too with the jumpjacks and weird bursty patterns. Might not be amazing on rated but hey, 1.0 was a lot of fun.

Happy Saturday Night
My only qualm is that the ending really dragged on a lot. Other than that, really fun file, I love what you did with the middle section starting at 99secs ish, in the percussion break, that section alone makes the file great in my mind.

How Much Is The Fish?
Underappreciated file, those anchors were a cute touch and the minijacks in the first half-ish of the file were really cute, and even the jumpstream was fun to hit. Comin' back to this one for sure, really good for practice with control.

I Wish
It's a nice file, and it's good practice for grace notes; that being said, it's unfortunate that some of the jack-y patterns make it hard to enjoy this file a lot on upper rates, though I don't believe in catering to rates anyways so don't take that as an issue. Nice easy file.

some long title I can't read, oops
Not one of the stronger files in my mind, though I did really enjoy the colourful patterning. It's probably mostly the song choice that made it less enjoyable for me. Not bad, just not my cup of tea.

Lust For Blood
Really comfortable broken jumpstream and jumptrilly patterning, and bursty speed sections that keep the file fresh. One of the highlights of the pack; play this for sure. I especially really liked that very brief handglut section, it was a nice little touch.

Chances are if you like files like Reality and Disregard, you may like this file. It's fun streamy/trilly patterns with some 16th patterning. I'm just not a big fan of slayer.

The Message
Cute file, similar review as with I wish. Nice song and I like the layering choices; those quick rolls were a cute addition.

The holdstream at the start was fun, and then the jacks were fun, and then the weird speedy/syncopated part was fun too. I especially like how the jacks weren't just 16th and were offset at different intervals, made for a unique experience.

What is Hip?
Man, I really am fond of those initial patterns with the holds, they were prime fun. Those 32nd trill-ish bursts were a blast as well. Really good MA file.

Yuruganu Futari
Nice way to end the pack with a charming but elegant little file, though the beginning was a bit of a difficulty spike compared to the rest which is a bit meh.

This pack really deserves more attention and praise. DL and play, people
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