Thread: Eva AMA4eva
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Old 01-6-2017, 11:58 AM   #19
FFR Player
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Posts: 466
Default Re: Eva AMA4eva

You're playing poker with a tiger, a sheep, a wolf, a sloth, and an emu. You're holding Jd Js and the flop is 10c 5c 8h. The tiger has a disgusted look on its face after seeing the flop, and scrunches up its face, looks at the sky, pouts, and immediately turns to you and slams its paw down on the table and throws chips into the middle, betting equal to the pot. The sheep makes bleating noises and thinks for a while, staring aimlessly into nowhere, and calls while still making bleating noises. The wolf looks with contempt at the sheep in an "if you do that again I'll rip your guts out" facial expression and folds. The sheep doesn't care. The sloth and emu both folded preflop and are having a staring contest with each other. Do you fold, call, raise, or run screaming?

I think bitcoins are becoming anthropomorphically self-aware and have started to hate me and are doing things on purpose to spite me. What should I do?

Why don't hockey teams sign up extremely morbidly obese people as goalkeepers, so that their body fat blocks the entire goal and prevents the opposition from scoring?

Suppose hypothetically an eccentric billionaire wants to carry out a social experiment where participants have to choose a number n>=0 and the billionaire has built a robot that will forcibly hold the participant's head down in a barrel of water for n seconds with absolutely no possibility of escape during that time, and then they get paid n^2 dollars. Nobody gets to take part more than once. You've seen many people take part, and there is no catch or anything - the billionaire is perfectly honest. But you don't know what they chose for n. You are offered the opportunity to do this. What n do you choose? You can refuse to take part by picking n=0.

Theorem: If you have a large enough number of monkeys, and a large enough number of computer keyboards, one of them will sight-read AAA death piano on stealth. And the ffr community will forever worship it. Proof Example

ask me anything here

mashed FCs: 329

r1: 5
r2: 4
r3: 6
r4: 8
r5: 3
r6: 5
r7: 15
final position: 4th
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