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Old 12-25-2016, 01:15 PM   #4
FFR Player
Join Date: Sep 2012
Location: England
Posts: 466
Default Re: Spenner / Shpongulate AMA

You're playing poker with a tiger, a rhinoceros, a chimpanzee, and a starfish. You're holding 7s 7h and the flop is 9d 4c 9c. The tiger sticks its tongue out playfully and makes silly faces while staring at the rhinoceros, laughs a bit, and taps its paw twice to check. The rhinoceros stoically stares into the distance and slowly moves enough chips into the middle to bet 3/4 of the pot. The chimpanzee folds. The starfish slowly crawls towards its cards, then towards its chips, then back towards its cards, then back towards its chips again, and pushes enough chips into the pot to call. Do you fold, call, raise, or run screaming?

How well do you think you cope under pressure, on a scale of 0-10 where 0 is Homer Simpson trying to do his taxes 2 hours before the deadline ("Marge! How many kids do we have!? Oh no time to count! I must estimate! uh... Nine!") and 10 is William Trubridge?

What country would you most like to go on holiday to, assuming you could afford it?

You wake up one day to find that you have mysteriously acquired 2744 ripe avocados and a lifesize cardboard cut-out of Justin Bieber while you were asleep. There is an explanatory note, which says that one of your close friends, who hates avocados and Justin Bieber, went on Deal Or No Deal, and dealt at the Banker's offer which was 2744 ripe avocados and a lifesize cardboard cut-out of Justin Bieber and a Lamborghini. But that person got a little frustrated because they had the $500k in their box/case/whatever, so they took their frustration out on you by dumping the avocados and Justin Bieber cut-out on your doorstep. What do you do with them? You know you only have a few days before the avocados go off.

Theorem: If you have a large enough number of monkeys, and a large enough number of computer keyboards, one of them will sight-read AAA death piano on stealth. And the ffr community will forever worship it. Proof Example

ask me anything here

mashed FCs: 329

r1: 5
r2: 4
r3: 6
r4: 8
r5: 3
r6: 5
r7: 15
final position: 4th
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