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Old 12-17-2016, 10:08 PM   #1
FFR Player
D7 Elite Keysmasher
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Default the biannual mina

i know im a couple months early but fuck it i do what i want

bang out some of the older shit first

if i could feel shame i would be ashamed of that pa

icy ima kill u if u change a single goddamn note in this file im pretty sure this is sickkkkkkkkkkkk

why the fuck do i have showstats on in all of these goddamnit pretty sure this is sick despite being a little mashy-ish

legacy goal


etienne's final boss

good file ok score

i was convinced 1.2 was doable until i tried it... maybe now though...

probably only person on the planet who enjoys this file

i really wanted sdg sdcb.. but alas.. it was not so... also i dont think i ever got this on 1.2 which is lols

anime weaboo

anime weaboo

nasty pa

pretty sure this is actually good but i think we'll never know for sure


been wanting to 97 this for literally years


solid run with one pretty devastating misread.. rip


ok so if you cover up the pa this is pretty sickkkk

more dragonforce mother fuckers

even _more_ dragonforce!!!!!

p e r f e c t a t t a c k b o i z

i remember screenshotting this thinking it was really good, but i haven't played it since nor do i recall seeing any other scores on it


ver close to 98, got like 4b and 3g in one panic jumpjack

99???? p gud??

i have a feeling i can beat this on 1.8... but... in case i cant

i dont think i could beat this on 1.8

this is really solid i think... 1.3 aa might be within reach

god why the fuck is this file so much harder than it seems to be

actually this is definitely a score i think i can smash now


vgmp4 shoutout time

crazy fun file

this 2

some newer shit yo

decent run on the release version of this file


its kinda hard to pin this file down... its deceptively tricky

goal get

this file is honestly so much fun

back to dragonforce

js stuff

js stuff

js stuff

overrated js stuff

might be 1.7'able

re-aa of my old j4 1.1 from like over a year ago... that score was bananas back then, i think this is ok but i think it's improvable to a 97

this file is actually stupid fun

holy shit you would not believe how many aa's i threw away on this

could have 95'd if i was a little more on point... still a decent re-aa

super long overdue its not even funny

oh god the gallop stamina

yesssssss finally

this felt super meh but it was a pr anyway ~_~

this actually felt really easy lmao

some of these might be good !!!!

score or file better hard 2 tell

and we run

malcom x, vanilla ice, ice t, and mr t walk into a bar, this was the punchline


holy fuck what this was so close to a 97... literally the only attempt i've bombed the beginning so hard but shit 1 miss ~5g in the ending.. cant complain

rip in confetti never gonna getti

Last edited by MinaciousGrace; 12-17-2016 at 10:41 PM..
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