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Old 11-14-2016, 12:09 AM   #1596
FFR Player
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Age: 50
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Default Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

danceflashrevo has died

danceflashrevo's PM is as follows

danceflashrevo, you are Shinon. You are an exceedingly talented Sniper, and are as full of yourself as you are talented. You left the mercenary company, the Greil Mercenaries, after the death of the leader, Greil. You now work for Daein as a soldier. Your mastery of the bow is unrivaled, and you have the ability to ruin or end the lives of those who go toe to toe with you.
Each day phase, by PMing me, you may fire one of three arrows at other players:
Kills the player it strikes
Makes the player seer red the following night phase
Nullifies the player’s vote the next day phase
You may not fire the arrow that kills another player on d0, and you may not fire the arrow that nullifies a player’s vote if 7 or more people have died. You must fire each arrow once before you may fire an arrow of the same type again.
Players are notified when struck by these arrows, but not of their effects, and the arrow that kills another player will result in a post by the mod with flavor text of “[Player name here] was discovered dead, with a single arrow lodged between their eyes.”
In addition, no more than once during the game, you may make a kill that can be neither tracked or watched.

Not included in initial PM: Shinon has a hated modifier
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