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Old 11-12-2016, 06:58 AM   #1189
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Default Re: TWG CLX If Emblem was a bad employee Game Thread

Originally Posted by MixMasterLar View Post
Only one nightkill? and it's fucking Charu?

So it looks like that A: there probably isn't a third party and B: Charu was right about somebody.

Don't even comprehend this logical string.

Right before the day started I was re-reading EoD and saw that Charu said that. It blew my mind and I wish I would have called him out for it sooner.

That said, he was VT, so I have no earthly idea what he was thinking there.

Wasn't here for this so that's my fault.

I would love to hear an explanation for this

It's shitty that he got modkilled for only copying a part of his PM.

I mean, rules are rules and I mean no disrespect to Sunfan, but wow. I don't really know how to feel about that.

You feel nothing. It happened. Get over it. Yes, sucks a town got modkilled, but everyone knows better than to copy any text from role PM.

Having been at EoD and knowing how fast and lose it was, I doubt a scum Xel threw this out there to look more towny super last second. As far as I care Xel can be welcomed into the Strong Town Pile of Town People.

This makes those who where pushing super hard early on super suspect.

Okay, I need to see this Xel post because this isn't the first mention of a huge swing.

Freaking why? Please explain this. The timing is really bad for this vote considering the timestamp and wagons that where going on. You're normally a champion of picking between ongoing wagons tbh

Hold on, am I missing a post or wheren't you the one that was copying YoshL?
Although I want to hear both of you give a reason to switch last second.
My comments in bold above.

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