Thread: The election
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Old 11-11-2016, 01:22 PM   #111
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Default Re: The election

Originally Posted by andy-o24 View Post
Why would you be scared to go out into the streets? Trump isn't out in the streets terrorizing anyone. People who don't like Trump are the ones protesting and making the streets potentially unsafe. If the people would just deal with how the election turned out and go back to being civilized, it wouldn't be an issue.
The main thing that some minority groups are afraid of in this sense is that there is a chance that Trump's win has emboldened bigots and/or racists to re-emerge from the shadows. As a trans woman in a heavily red state, I will admit that I was slightly anxious to go back to work on the day after election day. However, I didn't personally didn't have anyone treat me different than usual, so I'm hopeful I won't be impacted too much on that front.

On the other hand, there are certain policies and supreme court decisions that may be challenged as a result of the Republicans holding every branch. I can only speak on LGBT issues as those are the ones I'm most familiar with, but things like marriage equality, recent rights for trans children, and gender identification regulations on federal documents could potentially be reversed. Though marriage equality getting reversed would require Trump to be able to nominate two justices seeing as Kennedy voted in favor of marriage equality. That is a real possibility considering that Ginsburg is 83 years old.

Oh, and you could argue that a president's or vice president's views on social issues are indicative of where the country wants to go. If true, then our country has shown that it wishes to go backwards on some social issues.
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