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Old 11-2-2016, 01:51 PM   #492
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Default Re: Read My Reviews

Day 352: The Fall of Math by 65daysofstatic (Album Choice: EzExZeRo7497)

Anyone who thinks that choosing a run-on word as a band name is a good decision needs their ass kicked. If it was agreed upon, kick all of their asses. Who the fuck are you trying to be? Is this supposed to be artsy? Or are you some angsty 15 year olds who all buy Invader Zim shirts at Hot Topic? Neither of these would EXCUSE your horrible decision but at least it'd make more sense.

I've had two albums by these guys requested ever since I started this oft-delayed project and I have yet to even find out what genre they are. Fuck it, I'm going into this one blind other than album title and band name. That way I CAN'T be disappointed, because it would take emo Billy Joel cover album levels of suckness to be worse than that fucking band name.

I don't care about math rock. I don't hate the genre, hell I love Slint and Rodan as much as every other mutard (no I don't browse mu) but it's definitely a once in a blue moon thing for me, and it doesn't help that most math rock, this included, seriously lacks structure. I have similar opinions about post-rock, except there are way more post-rock gems than math rock ones. Still, I can probably take repetitive crescendos for about as long as I can take people thinking odd time signatures immediately indicate good songwriting.

So what do you get when you combine meandering song structures, excessive crescendos and unnecessary time signature changes? This wankfest! Like pretty much every other album I rash on, this certainly does have its moments, but I could trim this down to a 15 minute EP and be much happier with the end product.

But, on the good side of things, the music is MUCH, MUCH better than... ugh what the fuck were they thinking?!

Best Track: Retreat! Retreat!
Rating: 5/10
The above post has a 50% chance of being useless. Potentially. Maybe.

BEST AAAs: WANDERLUST, Pandora, Necropotence, Mourning The Lost, Eradication, Feldschlacht

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