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Old 11-2-2016, 12:15 PM   #491
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Default Re: Read My Reviews

Day 351: It's Immaterial by Black Marble (Album Choice: David H.)

It's a divine blessing that Spotify doesn't require administrator privileges to install. These library computers suck enough ass as is. Anyways, calc homework here we go. Last time I listened to anything from these guys was when I reviewed A Different Arrangement way back in 2013. It was pretty middle-of-the-road stuff from what I remember, but I'm certainly not optimistic about the fact that I felt no urge to return to these guys over the course of three years.

First five minutes and what the fuck is this Iron Lung shit? Are you trying to be a-ha? News flash: A-HA SUCK(s/ed) ASS and this is an even shoddier knockoff. Awful.

Luckily, they abandon the bad eurodance influence quite quickly and go back to sounding exactly how I remember them from 2013. There's some variety in here in terms of structure, but it all ends up sounding pretty samey since the spacey synthy Depeche Mode atmosphere NEVER changes in the slightest. Well, I should commend them for attempting variety, even if their efforts were in vain. The chiller, more ethereal tracks are quite nice if somewhat unremarkable. The pop songs just suck though, like bootleg Kraftwerk so kitschy it becomes disgustingly self-indulgent. Is that ACTUALLY the atmosphere they wanted? If it is, which it probably isn't, they fucking nailed it.

Overall, pretty meh album. A bit too repetitive and inconsistent. It has some nice moments but those don't outweigh the shitty tracks nor do they leave much of an impact.

I'll give this a bonus point because I actually got some calculus done.

Best Track: Woods
Rating: 5/10
The above post has a 50% chance of being useless. Potentially. Maybe.

BEST AAAs: WANDERLUST, Pandora, Necropotence, Mourning The Lost, Eradication, Feldschlacht

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