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Old 10-13-2016, 02:42 AM   #18
Son Paimon
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Default Re: I'm a bit scared on the subject of Pokemon...

Originally Posted by Zachattack83 View Post
So, I've never really been into pokemon, but after playing a bit of "Brick Bronze" (which for many of you who don't know is a very professional spinoff pokemon game on ROBLOX that's still in development to this day), I've been thinking about buying Pokemon Moon when it comes out (which just so happens to be very close to my birthday! SCORE!). The thing is, though, I feel like half of the people that play pokemon at this rate are like, HUGE pros on the game, knowing each and every pokemon's base stats, weaknesses, resistances, mega evolutions...meanwhile, I can't name half of the pokemon I come across. Do you think I'll be okay launching into S&M as a noob with mild knowledge of the game(s)?
Something to keep in mind is that with this new release, there are a lot of changes that even players like me who've been playing since 1st generation will have to adjust to, like the Alola forms which have completely changed the types of some of the first generation Pokemon. How many for sure? Still not known but for a Pokemon like Sandslash who was a ground type for YEARS, will now be a Steel/Ice type.... We all have some learning to do. Pokemon was always had a four-move turn-based battle system. However, with the implementation of Z moves, there is a Potential 5th attack. There's also rumors that the Ultra Beasts found in Sun and Moon may not even be actual Pokemon but creatures? I'm sure that part is only rumor, but who knows.

Point is, a lot of us are going in blind to this new generation. Can't wait. Totally pumped.
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