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Old 10-7-2016, 01:50 PM   #15
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Default Re: fun stories from high school days

i smoked weed with like 10 kids in ap stats and my teacher gave zero shits, he actual wrote me a fire recommendation and gave me an A+ for the year when I deserved a C-

i got accused of bioterrorism by the vice principal in the 9th grade because ghost peppers
i got accused of arson in the 8th grade because the vice principal just didn't like me

I ALMOST got away with throwing one of the top 5 parties of senior year scot-free but my neighbors snitched on me.
My friend almost got away with throwing one of the top 3 parties of senior year (for which I was invitation-sender and bartender) but some dumbass broke his dad's record player.
The above post has a 50% chance of being useless. Potentially. Maybe.

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