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Old 10-6-2016, 10:01 PM   #130
FFR Player
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Default Re: Benguin and Xelnya's AAA-fest Rates Tournament

Originally Posted by reuben_tate View Post
There'll be more frustration where that came from!


Thanks for putting in so much effort into AAA'ing the file! It really shows! And we're glad you're enjoying the tournament. We apologize that you're struggling a bit with the song choice, we didn't intend for anyone to have to resort to 0.1x rate in order to AAA the file D: Xel and I are looking into recruiting some D1 players that would be more suited to your skill and creating a new division for that. Feel free to invite your friends and others similar to your skill level to play as well!
Oh! I really appreciate that you went to so much trouble and I apologize if I caused any confusion! I had already pulled off a 1.0 before I posted the 0.1 just in case I actually did fail and wanted to give you guys a chuckle to build my repoire repoirt repore (checks spelling) rapport - and I honestly don't know if we need a D1 or not as I'm fairly certain I could pull off something like a 1.2 (famous last words) though I've been painting my mom's room with the cute little kitties past couple days (no none of them are lavender now thank goodness) but indeed it did take me about 2-300 restarts to get that good. but coming from a difficulty like 2 AAA max I assume that's normal. And sorry if you thought I meant the song was hard when I said I would gladly blame xel for song choice I meant it as a compliment it actually was pretty hard at first but the pleasant tune and short duration made it imho oneo f the best choices I can think of

so without further ado I should probably post my real score or I'll really be sorry

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