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Old 09-30-2016, 03:49 PM   #54
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Default Re: Make Stepmania Great Again

Originally Posted by TC_Halogen View Post

there are people posting videos constantly at a level that you probably wouldn't even consider worth looking at because you've been shielded within this community, where even the lowest-end players here would be better than 99%+ of the people who don't make their presence known or are exclusively on something like reddit and not any other sub-community, so just because you don't see them doesn't mean they don't exist, much like any other gaming community where you only see the front-facing players and want to declare things inactive/dead; doesn't work that way


everyone who wants to make StepMania again needs to stop targeting this niche community of high-end players and actually branch out into things that are inventive, unique, and awesome. mindless smashing your brains out to hyper-relevant charts doesn't do the job - it's impressive, but won't hold attention and want to get people involved.
this might be an unpopular opinion here, but, stepmania is by definition a competitive game. even if you don't compare yourself to other players, you compete with yourself for self-improvement. i feel like that's why this "niche community" has developed a standard of high difficulty. there may be a huge amount of people that aren't high-level players, posting more 'entry-level' scores and such on reddit, but honestly, what beginner (in any game, sport, or hobby) doesn't aspire to be the best they can be? all the new players who got into stepmania after seeing staiain saw exactly how high the standard is for playing at a high level - it shouldn't be a surprise that stepmania calls for very very very challenging content.

personally, i was really glad to see the general skill level involved in stepmania go through the fuckin roof after a certain point. before getting back into stepmania, the last pack i probably downloaded was ODI2 or something years ago. then i got back into it, realized i was missing out real hard when i downloaded all the yolomanias and nuclear blast JS packs, which seem to be mostly post-2012/2013ish.

anyway, i forgot what my point was

stepmania cool kids club 2016
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