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Old 09-30-2016, 12:29 AM   #54
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Default Re: The Presidential Debates

Originally Posted by j-rodd123 View Post
Lol was kidding man you're a salty bunch obv he's better than the other 2

gary johnson is a fucking idiot and his platform is a disaster

edit: like seriously. "Johnson does not support any action by government to mitigate climate change, stating: 'In a healthy economy that allows the market to function unimpeded, consumers, innovators and personal choices will ultimately bring about the environmental restoration and protection society desires.'"

aka pretending that virtually every major environmental disaster in the last 50+ years wasn't the result of the private sector cutting regulatory corners for the short-term purpose of increasing profits

"He believes government should foster the free market by allowing businesses freedom to compete without restrictions."

oic have fun with countless more housing bubble & crashes of 2008

"Johnson believes that the 'costs of health care are out of control and something needs to be done to return health care to fiscal solvency.'"

at least we can agree to something relatively uncontroversial

"He does 'not believe that government should be taking over the health care system.' Instead, he believes that a 'market-based approach should be the foundation of any solution. A health care insurance system that is privately owned and managed is the best approach to solving our health care problems.'"

oh yeah it's not like our healthcare system isn't simultaneously one of the most: 1) privatized healthcare systems in the developed world; and 2) one of the most fiscally wasteful healthcare systems in the developed world

"He favors tort reform and control of frivolous lawsuits as means cutting costs of health care."

Hahaha. As if frivolous torts come even close to constituting a significant proportion of our healthcare costs. First of all, the two are not related to the extent that it really makes sense to utilize tort reform as a solution to healthcare expenditures. Proposed solutions to problems should, if possible, be remotely related to the problems that they attempt to ameliorate. Example of the opposite: childhood obesity is a major health concern that may seriously reduce U.S. productivity. Solution: decrease energy expenditures to allocate funding toward ending childhood obesity. Wait a minute, that doesn't make sense, because the two aren't related in a significant way, and it would make more sense to reduce funding for a health program that was ineffective at improving heath outcomes, in order to fund more effective health policies. Furthermore, healthcare expenditures are expected to constitute $3 trillion this year, compared to $105 billion a year for torts. That is, torts, generally. not frivolous torts. Reforming frivolous torts, mathematically, is one of the most ludicrously inadequate solutions I've ever seen proposed to cutting healthcare costs.

"Johnson says his only issue with trade unions, including teachers' unions, is that they require both good and bad workers to be treated the same."

wow, it's almost as if Johnson's "only issue" with the existence of criminal defense lawyers would be that they are required to treat good and bad defendants the same. it's not like that way of looking at adversarial systems is completely short sighted and impractical, or anything. Let's just get rid of Bad Ppl and replace them all with Good Ppl. easy!

and i mean, that's without getting into the fact that he couldn't name a single world leader without immense leading. I mean, i honestly dont' even really care that much about that. i mean, i do a little, but it's pretty trivial in the grand scheme of the horrific, policy abortions that Johnson has proposed. but it's just kind of the icing on the cake at this point

Last edited by IamMe90; 09-30-2016 at 01:24 AM..
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