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Old 09-24-2016, 11:47 PM   #3351
Very Grave Indeed
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Default Re: World of Warcraft

Originally Posted by darklordsarumon9 View Post
So tuesday we ran heroic Emerald Nightmare with another group & managed to down Nythendra. Ran into tons of trouble with Il'gynoth and it was getting late so people had to start dropping out. Yesterday the guild we ran with said they planned to raid different days/times so our arrangement wasn't going to work. Then our OT *sorta* ragequit (he went really hard the first few weeks kinda wore himself out) At that point the 7 legit raiders in the guild were kinda stuck with our thumbs up our asses. Do we just disband and meld into another guild? Keep looking for new players? Tonights raid looked like it was going to be cancelled.

Then out of nowhere our GM gets a message from a small guild that is in the same position as us. They decide they're willing to join with us.

Seven new players and two hours later we cleared normal Nythendra, Elerethe and Ursoc. Nythendra and Ursoc were one shots. Elerethe was a little harder because of the stupid tornadoes over the web bridges.

A prayer answered.

Vaguely similar boat.

Guild since BC, mostly casual, did a bit of in-guild raiding for a bit, did a bunch of cross-guild raiding with a guild of a buddy of ours in sort of our same boat.

By WoD, there were few enough of us left active, that we left the guild in control of alts, and moved over to the buddy's guild so we could raid.

Burned out on WoD and left for some months. Despite being 1 of only 3 officers in the guild, without checking in to see if I'd be coming back for Legion, he kicked all of us that had gone inactive. Decided "screw that guy" and that I wouldn't go back for Legion. Sorted out 5 of us who'd be playing actively enough to at least do in-guild 5-mans. I'm the only one even remotely active.

So I'm sitting here basically in a one-person guild going "Well if I want to do ANYTHING I have to go somewhere else, but I've also had this guild since Burning Crusade" and no idea what I want to do.
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