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Old 09-11-2016, 03:58 AM   #317
Owlbears Rock!
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Default Re: The Video Game Mega Pack 4 (RELEASED!)

I prefer waffles or crepes. :P

Anyways, here my judgements so far.

.execute - I have never really liked non-sightreadable gimmicks and this didn't really change that opinion. Doesn't help that the song doesn't have enough going on to make it too interesting. I played heavy, since the jacks in challenge were too aids-y.

A Beautiful Day For Golf - Short and sweet, a great MA file.

Abyss Stage Phase 3 - Felt like it was missing a lot. What was there was still good, but I feel like it could have some more to it.

Airship Stage - I think the second loop could've been removed without much worry. Otherwise it's a nice simfile.

Alien Lain - I really can't say since I was more worried about passing the file more than anything. It was a bit tiring though, but that's just me complaining about the song length, so whatever.

Alien's Lain - Those measure long jacks on the left note kinda begs me to use Left or Right to move it over to Up or Down, but other than that it's pretty fun.

All Over The World - The density of notes doesn't seem to correlate to the song too well, with robust sections being rather simple and vice versa. It just didn't feel right.

Angle Island Zone - Those trills are okay at the end, but at the beginning I feel that they shouldn't be there. Also nice jumps at the end going to absolutely nothing. :V

Armor-Plated Armadillo - That was good. Some of it was a bit dumpy, but all in all was fine.

Art Through Adversity - fffffffffffffffff- I can't pass at all. Turn those jacks on heavy into trills or something. :<

Ashley's Song - Couldn't really hear what some of the notes went to, making the chart feel inconsistent.

Baba Yetu - Very brave song choice. It was okay, nothing too amazing, 'cept for the song choice of course.

Balloon Fight Medley - That gimmick was horrible. Like "I want people who play this file to fail" horrible. Never do that again. Everything else was quite fun.

Battle 2 - That was pretty cool.

Battle Deoxys - Felt like a metal file. Can't really say much.

Battle Ho-Oh - Was a bit all over the place with the difficulty, but it was interesting.

Now Battle Legendary Pokemon - With so much going on in the song, it feel like this shouldn't have been stepped, but you made it work. Gets dense out of nowhere though, which felt really awkward to play.

Now Battle Lugia - Read Battle Ho-Oh.

Now Battle Traniner Battle - Reminds me of Multi-Man Melee from VGMP2. Also kinda miffed that no one stepped Mirror B.'s theme. :<

Betrayal (the bloodraine one)- Oh look that solo turned an FC into a fail. Probably should make the difficulty curve a bit better.

The BGM In Between I & III - Keeping the jacks in the easier chart doesn't really help bring the difficulty down guys. Still, after getting past the long jacks it got progressively better (ps, it shouldn't get better from being bad).

Big Blag's Lain - So you looped it again, but faded out halfway through the second loop. Okay. Had the same issue with this that I had with Ashley's Song.

Black Raine - This dragged on. It's the only thing that really stood out.

Blade's Stage - So plain ol' 16th streams can be difficult. Wasn't too interesting. The second loop was unnecesary too since it made the simfile drag one for another two minutes. @_@;

Blue Field & Catch 'em Theme - It was unnotable. The song and the chart just sorta did whatever and had no flow to it. The first part was nice though.

Boss Theme (the power ragers one, not the elevendy bajillon others) - Another copy/paste second loop safasda. Don't get me wrong though, this file was pretty fun. Kinda felt like it'd belong right at home in VGMP2. Just...that second loop...

Can You Really Let Stepmania Load Without Crashing, I Mean I know The .sm File Has A Long Name And Everything But Still - A rather quaint simfile. Could do with a challenge chart.

The Stage With The Big Clown Going 8D - Jumpjacks right out of the gate is so fucking evil you meanie. Other than that it was a good file.

Casino Area - Meh.

Crazy Robo - Pretty neat. I liked how it felt difficult but was totally possible.

Chelnov Theme - Those holds are really screwy.

City (the power ragers city, you know which one i'm talking about, that one) - Heavy was pretty good. Challenge however, was just total aids.

Coeur de Ceramique - Nice, but kinda ends out of nowhere.

Collision Chaos - Kinda plays itself really. Nothing too interesting.

Colress Battle - That was really cool.

Commodore - See .execute

Cooking Zess T. - She's makes a really good simfile. :P

Crescent Island Boss Theme - Jesus christ I don't even wanna see how hard challenge can get.

Cursed Destiny (wes you were supposed to fix the text, not set the opacity to 100% :V ) - Awkward patterns ahoy. Like I could barely read most of them.

Dancing Leaves (aka Collision Chaos Part 2) - Holy fuck this is cool.

Dance Through The Danger - Feels offsync and oddly layered. Needs fixing. :/

Dark Demon's Song - Nice to see this song get some justice after KBU. Just thinking about that pack makes me shiver.

The World With Less Light Than Normal - That 24th section was such a surprising difficulty spike, and not the good kind. :<

Donkey Kong Country Theme - It's okay.

Dr. Wily Stage 1 (the one from Megaman 10) FM Cover - I like it.

Dragon Slayer - Nice, but the audio for the ending must be weird, cause it shifts rather instantly and holds go past the notes. But that's just me.

ISIS Theme Song - The 24th could be made easier to hit on the easier difficulties, but other than that it's fine.

Factory Stage - 2nd loop grrrr. Still, it was really fun.

Fantastic Theater (aka the BEST file in the pcak liek no srsly) - The part before the solo always feels sorta empty, but then the solo happens, so it's okay.

I Left My Heart in Rosmarie (RoughSketch Remix fiercest train) - Of course there's a jcore song in the pack. Anyways, it looks like it'd be easy, but then it isn't. Kinda strange. Kinda like the opposite of Crazy Robo. It was still fun, even if the score was terribad. :l

Fighting Of the Spirit (Arrange ver.) - Again? Well this was pretty cool, but my brain couldn't read the solo. I don't know what that says of me. ;-;

Had to stop for now. The tips of my fingers feel numb. D:
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