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Old 09-10-2016, 03:43 PM   #280
FFR Player
Join Date: Sep 2014
Age: 33
Posts: 146
Default Re: The Video Game Mega Pack 4 (RELEASED!)

some reviews:

v3X3CU73 (Tsuka & MacGravel) - oni - some minor syncing issues near the beginning sorta near the end. this would have been cool if it weren't for the repeating sets of 5 jacks which don't make any sense musically. also why did you step like 7 seconds of silence after the song ends... does not compute. 5/10 only because of the innovative approach to mines

A Beautiful Day For Golf (MarioNintendo) - oni - virtually perfect. really, that was awesome - a great little accurate and fun MA file. i will have to play again w/o the background tho as it completely distracted me. for now, 9/10

Abyss Stage (Phase 3) (cedo) - there's nothing wrong with this file, per se, but it is fairly uninteresting. i think you could have had some fun with freezes going to the flanged synth in the background to spice things up. 6/10

Airship Stage (cedo) - well, this one was a little more interesting than the last, at least. still, i think this would have been more interesting with some minifreezes on the cymbal hits, and a couple parts felt a bit underlayered. 7.25/10

Alien Lair (MarioNintendo) - i'm... i'm speechless. this file was superb. challenging, fun, well structured, precision accuracy.. holy shit. who is this guy? 10/10, hands down.

Alien's Lair (cerdo_claro) - i appreciate what you're trying to do here, a pretty stark contrast from the other alien's lair file. i think this is fairly successful as far as easier files go. I enjoyed it, although it was definitely not captivating like marionintendo's version. ill give it a 7.5/10

All Over the World (cerdo_claro) - enjoyable enough, although i think this could have been a little more fun and challenging if you had blended the triplets and sixteenths at some points. 7.5/10

Angel Island Zone (bmah) - oni - reaaaally not a fan of those trills. would have been an 8.75 if not for them, gonna say 8 though. fun jacks and i like the way you incorporated the jumps and hands to follow the guitar leads.

Armor-Plated Armadillo (Nullifidian) - very fun. not a fan of the angry guitar videogame tracks in general, but you did a good job. not sure the slow downs were warranted though. 8.4/10

Art Through Adversity (MacGravel) - oni - gay and terrible quit immediately
heavy - boring. something in the middle between the two levels of difficulty in this file would have been nice.

Ashley's Song [JP] (cedo) - fun file. however, were the 64th swing notes at the beginning correct? they felt good to me. if so, i have to wonder why you switched to 24ths when the percussion didn't actually change? is it because it would be harder to step it that way? 7.8/10

Baba Yetu (hi19hi19) - well.... you did what you could with what the song gave you. unfortunately, it didn't give you enough to make this interesting. i actually enjoyed the song itself, but its just not a really good choice for stepping. zzz/10

Balloon Fight Medley (MarioNintendo) - solid, but a bit underwhelming. also -.1 points for blue arrow syndrome. could have utilized hands more. 7.8/10

Battle (moches) - great file! really enjoyable. i love your use of freezes - especially on the jumps where they're slightly tapered - i can't put my finger on why it fits so well but it does. 8.5/10

Battle! Deoxys (porkypink) - awesome file! very, very fun, good MA challenge, fuck yeah. 9/10

Battle! Ho-oh (hi19hi19) - wow, you guys are killing it with these pokemon files. this one really brings me back, i always loved this theme. very enjoyable, the only thing that i think might really push this just slightly further is some sparing, tasteful integration of freezes. otherwise, excellent - 8.8/10

Battle! Legendary Pokemon (hi19hi19) - good - but a bordering a bit on "generic jumpstream" type file. 7.5/10

Battle! Lugia (hi19hi19) - not quite as fun as the ho-oh theme, but i think thats because the song just isn't as good. you did a great job stepping it - 8.5/10

Battle! Trainer Battle (Flossy) - eh... its okay i guess. you ignore some string 16th runs in the background which could have made this more interesting. and, although its kind of nit picky, near the end, with the 32nd drum rolls, you repeat the same jumps even though the lead is clearly shifting down in pitch and that just really takes me out of the song because it doesn't make any sense. 5.5/10

Betrayal (hi19hi19) - WHY, hi19, WHY did you pass up the opportunity to make the climactic ending really pop by making it all jumps when the piano kicked in?? at that bpm and length of time it wouldn't have even been stupid hard. giving 7.9/10 because blue balls.

BGM II (Tsuka) - oni - fuuuck yeah that was fun. THAT'S how you utilize jacks in a way that isn't akin to gouging yer eyes out. -.1 points for that mine cluster mid-song that totally ruined my flow and made the arrows hard to see. 8.9/10

Big Blag's Lair (Tsuka) - oni - love the swing parts. however, i'm not sure i agree with the minijacks being 16ths. Even if they are musically 16ths, it really takes me out of it because the swing is so blatant, but i also don't actually think they are 16ths. They sound like swing to me. 7.3/10 mostly because of the choice to use 16ths for those minijacks

Black Rain (MarioNintendo) Well, it's as good as an S.S.H. file is gonna get. 8/10

Blade's Stage (MarioNintendo) - i got a little bored for parts but very pitch-conscious patterns which i appreciate a lot. 7.3/10

Blue Field & Catch'em Theme (MarioNintendo & MacGravel) - solid, but im not a huge fan of files that consist of only triplets. it starts to feel a little same-y by the end. 7.4/10

Boss Theme (wv) - everything about this made complete sense - yet it still left me wanting more. 7.2/10

Can You Really Call This A Hotel, I Didn't Receive A Mint On My Pillow Or Anything (CyclopsDragon) i think this could have been dialed up a bit in difficulty without being stupid and it'd have been more interesting. 7/10

Carnival Stage (cedo) - im upset that you didn't step over half the sax grace notes - (i don't think the ones you did should've been 64ths either) - but otherwise, great job. 8.3/10

Casino Area (MacGravel) - reminds me of yessss's "cruising" but unfortunately this song isn't as interesting. 7.1/10

Chelnov Theme (MarioNintendo) - do you play an instrument? because I'm continually impressed by your pattern use, it mirrors the pitch very well. very entertaining file. 8.4/10

City (MarioNintendo) - oni - a file this easy to AAA should not be labeled a 17, and this is coming from one of the olden players. anyway, clearly you are very good at stepping, this song is not well suited to stepping though - it turns into a bland dumpstream. 6/10

Coeur de Céramique (MarioNintendo) - hint: flashman wasn't a good file and neither is this. at least this one's synced well. zzz/10

Collision Chaos (Jombo) guhhhh another one swing/10

Colress Battle (Kommisar) bro this was tight. i loved the ending mines. 8.7/10

more to come . . .

Last edited by IamMe90; 09-10-2016 at 05:41 PM..
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