Thread: Tales From Work
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Old 09-5-2016, 12:00 AM   #42
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Default Re: Tales From Work

Damn, there's some wacked crap in here lol. Hang on let's see if I can match it with two of my favorite customer stories.

* While working in dairy, rotation is really important. A common strategy is to let whatever is on the shelf sale before you restock the shelf. For a slow day this is pretty easy to do without getting caught with an empty space.

I once was trying to let maybe 5 or 6 gallons of milk sale out before restocking because the date was 1 day off. As silly as it may sound to some of you well-adjusted folks, if I where to mix them (even putting the new ones in the back) those 5 or 6 would never be touched and would literally sit there for two weeks before having to be pulled for being out of date. People have this weird idea that the milk is gonna taste like anything besides hormone-filled utter juices if it expires 13 days out instead of 12. Anyway I leave to check on cheese and come back to an empty shelf. I'm like, oh ok great, let's fill this sucker up.

So I do that.

Right as I finish, a gentleman who was shopping walked up to me but didn't say a word. In his cart where all the "old" gallons of milk. Without a word, a moment of pause, or any indication that this wasn't pre-meditated at all he pulled them from his cart and sat them on the floor. He then reached in the back corner and pulled one gallon out and placed it his cart next to his beer and calmly walked away as if it was routine.

12 or so days later I poured 5 or 6 gallons of milk down the sink and watched my department take the loss, which of course in addition to wasting food products made my employers pretty stingy about giving out yearly raises to workers who have alot of wasted food reported on their shift.

Basically people who do this sort of things can go shove their head in a cow's ass.

Working as the manager of Produce at this point. In the back, our Produce space was next to the restrooms. Made running in there to escape some of my co-workers really easy.

One time I went in there to use the restroom as slowly as possible before I had to clock out. My excuse was it was super slow and everything was done. My actual reasoning is that I hated my soul. Anyway, bathroom has one urinal and one actual stall with a toilet. I'm the kind of guy who rather use the stall regardless of the nature of my business, but it was taken today and I simply used the urinal. Not that big a deal.

While using it, I heard a grunt from the stall.

No bigger, don't make a deal of it. Some things a man has got to do for himself, feel me? Wish him luck in a little prayer and move on. And maybe make sure you pick up a Fiber One on the way home.

Another grunt. Drawn out. Gets a little higher in pitch as it finishes.

Uh huh. Maybe chillin' in here for the last two minutes before shift's end is not what's gonna happen today. I start washing my hands and use a little less soap then I would have.

But then I hear the sound of a man trying to move porcelain and I knew that something shittier then shit was afoot. I quickly left and waited outside, ducked in my workroom out of sight waiting for the man to leave. This doesn't take too long to happen.

I go in and brace myself as I walk into the stall. I look at the back of the toilet and steel myself to open the back and see what he ditched in there.

I knew what I would find

Hell, you know what I did find.

I opened it to find it anyway.

A very used cucumber.

"Yeah so this guy just left and ditched a, uh, used cucumber in the back of the pot. Yeah no I have to clock out you know how Jack and Kent feel about overtime for the department managers orders from up high you know? Yeah uh byyee boi holla back pce"

Hearing the clock churn out my card never sounded so good.

Originally Posted by shenjoku View Post
when I used to work at Fry's grocery store back in high-school I found a playboy calendar still sealed in shrinkwrap in one of the shopping carts. It was out in the open lot late at night when I was just putting carts away like usual. I took it home and gave it to my older brother for his birthday XD
Best little bro ever.

Originally Posted by Charu View Post
She takes it, smiles, and then walks off saying. "MmHMM, that's right, can't be losing money, nu-uh. I gots a family to feed."
Working in a job that requires working with the public will make you raciest in a heartbeat brohan.

I got some really bad welfare stories that hit these same notes.

Originally Posted by lofty rhino View Post

On one occasion there was a woman with an Australlian accent who he kept referring to as English.
He mimicked her accent by using stereotypical British phrases.
She got aggravated and eventually just stopped responding.

When he finished ringing her up, he let her go with a "cheerio!"
Her face was pretty priceless.
My job, too, had to enact a "no accent" rule.

Originally Posted by Gundam-Dude View Post

· Being heckled one night for about 10 minutes by a black dude that didn't believe my real first name was a generic "white" name as opposed to a Chinese/Asian one. He saw my name tag and absolutely refused to believe that was my actual name????????????
My name is Lar

I feel this pain.

Also so many people try to pronounce it as Leer it's enough to make me kick eggplants.

Originally Posted by DarknessXoXLight View Post
They start asking us whether we're feminists, whether we're lesbians, why we work for such an awful company.

Well, we're waiting! I kid we're cool


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