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Old 08-5-2016, 12:24 PM   #9
It's Saint Pepsi bitch
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Default Re: I'm a bit scared on the subject of Pokemon...

Here's a story you might find a bit comforting OP. I hadn't played a pokemon game since soul silver and when I did I didn't EV or IV breed. I played it fairly casually and then cast it aside and forgot about pokemon for a while. About 5-7 years later (not sure how old soul silver is) I decided I'd see what this mega evolution shit is all about and bought Alpha Sapphire. LOVED IT. It's the best pokemon game i've ever played and I just kept at it, reading all I needed to know to figure out how to play on a competitive level. It's a huge time investment but I came into this game knowing almost nothing besides the original 250. Now I am a god.

Originally Posted by hi19hi19 View Post
As a serious response, you'll be fine. Pokemon games are not hard even if you have no idea about anything, and the most recent generations have made this even more true.

It's actually very fun to try to guess what type Pokemon are from how they look. The trial and error makes it more enjoyable to me every time a new generation is released. I try to resist the temptation to head to Bulbapedia or Smogon and look up everything until I beat the game once.

Honestly you only get to play Pokemon for the first time once. Don't worry about being "pro" just jump in and have fun. Use the Pokemon you like, nobody's gonna judge lmao

The main story line isn't hard, but playing it competitively not so much. I'm so balls deep in the meta that I'm playing people who develop counter strategies for classic smogon strats upon which I've developed counter strategies to account for both. I wish smogon singles was equally as accepted as VGC as far as holding tournaments go because I am really fucking good at singles. I don't like VGC's inclusion of all legendaries and it seems that less than 20 pokemon are really viable. With smogon singles i've got like, 150 different BR ready pokes and they're all-stars. BATTLE ME BROS
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