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Old 08-4-2016, 10:22 PM   #1
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Default biannual bore thread

Fodder accumulated over 6 months, in no particular order:

StuFF i Think is cOOl but miGht noT be:

pretty sure this is my pr but cba to check 3.95 folder so we'll just say it is

not entirely sold on how good this is

this is def aaa'able on j5 but it would require a number of attempts i think... very respectable for 2nd try

anime stamina stuff.. stamine.. idk


im actually pretty sure this is nuts but i have no benchmarks to compare to

who wants to make a million simfiles

i remember having a ton of trouble with this a long time ago (year+) nice to see that global improvement

goddam i was so close to crushing this

what even is this file

i was actually pretty close to 1.35x too (92.5)

wrecked my old 3.95 pr... not sure if good at file or nobody plays tho

god fuck is this file actually hard??

flubtastic intro... clean run would have earned it a spot further below :/

was on 97 pace and got distracted rip

why the fuck is there that fucking random fuck jack in that one place fuck

pa is good

sdcb on 1.7????

what is most impressive about this is how unbelievably overrated it got

whats my aaa equivalency? prolly 85

inb4 etienne makes me feel bad about this


would jump and trill this bg... i mean gallop this bg... i mean jumptrill this simfile... i mean gallop this simfile... fuck

looks pretty messy but i think this is really solid, 1.5 definitely seems in the realm of possibility

StuFF i Think is cOOl but miGht noT be that was on pre-release shit deal with it:

fairly certain i can smash this now actually (but its still pretty good)

same with this

rip sdcb


think i basically beat this but i cba to finish the second half of the file smh

Longterm goals and assorted crazy shit:

this felt really good in the moment, but might be the weakest of this group (forgot to ss it lmao)

i put an ungodly number of attempts on this on 3.95 and never came close and then 1 shot it on sm5 ??

haha jk u just jumptrill this map from start to finish its basically shanghai moon v2

only mashing when i do it

not gonna lie i actually mashed the 2nd half of this

1st attempt

2nd attempt a week later or something, at first i thought my original score was really good so when i smashed it effortlessly i figured i could probably come back and beat this score without much hassle as well, and didn't bother ssing. I actually end up doing this a lot but this is probably the only score worth mentioning in that category, at least the only one that comes to mind

asdfasdgasdfg cbrushed the slow trills this could have been so much better

anime weaboooo

16g on j5 is lmaolmaolmaolmaolmaolmaolmao what... just look at the other runs for reference

rekt rekt rekt rekt rekt

lmfao the huge dip at the end is because my left hand slipped off the kb and i got like 4 misses at once... very nearly 96+'d, however i'm not going to complain about a 94 given how many attempts i put into this

another one of the few long term goals i didn't finish before switching to sm5


catalyst for this post, got this yesterday after 2 weeks of flailing around like piss on top and home row. Wasn't really sure it was possible but it didn't feel that hard in the moment so lmao

same as above, except i knew this was doable i just kept bombing out in dumb places every run, not even sure if this belongs here

i put like 15+ attempts in on this on 3.95... the failed run with 1222 combo was fucking insane, i basically sdg'd for fucking forever and then my left hand slipped off the keyboard and i literally failed out trying to recover from the resulting cbrush... very salty. However 1.7 get is still pretty ok, and this run was very solid aside from missing like every minijack in the first half.

pretty sure this is fucking stupid

ahahahaahahaa what

yes this goes after yura yura 1.1

Bonus scorez
These aren't worth anything. Because they aren't AA's. Their only value is the cumulative value of everyone's time spent looking at them:

pretty sure i can trash this but that would require trying so

why is hitting this legit so fucking hard fuckkkkkkkk

gettin there, quadded all the 4 note jacks

i get sad every time i see this... went from like +300 to -90 in the last 48th stream


ok i lied i remembered a bunch of really good stuff that i didnt bother ss'ing but this is the only one im going to bother with cause beat my old j4 pr hehu

unreleased filez shit that i'll just forget about so here they are HaHa:

seriously im pretty sure this is crazy (especially now that eze isnt around to show me up)

this too

honorable mention for fallen scores in the great scwore between myself and marquis de etienne aka the master manner manipulator





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