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Old 07-10-2016, 01:47 PM   #132
FFR Player
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Join Date: Sep 2009
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Default Re: FFR: The New User Perspective And New FFR Ideas

Hello everyone. I feel like sharing my thoughts on this.

I'm someone who played this game all the time from around 2008 to 2012. I just remembered this game today and googled to see if something new happened here in the past 3-4 years. I'm not sure why exactly I stopped playing this game, but I think it was a combination of two things.

1) it just gets boring after a while.
2) Technical issues. Flash sucks massive dick.

Sometimes I feel like playing this game again. I open the web version and it just runs like crap. Then I'm like whatever and close the tab. I know there is a flash standalone thing but I don't want to download it. Too lazy & somehow it just doesn't feel right. It makes feel like I'm playing something abandoned.

In my opinion, what could give this game a serious boost is a solid desktop client (Unity or whatever) and Steam. Add some social stuff, achievements, leveling or some other type of progression system. Maybe some daily or weekly challenges to unlock some stuff. And whatever else all the modern games have these days. This game could get pretty big again.

But of course I understand that building a desktop client + getting it on Steam is a lot of work. And not many are willing to invest the time and work do that for free.

But I have no doubt that this would bring me back to this game.
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