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Old 07-8-2016, 05:21 PM   #3265
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Default Re: World of Warcraft

it's the nostalgia effect
i honestly don't care too much, i enjoy my time spent playing nowadays and with a new xpac that's making massive changes to classes i'm excited to main tank stuff for this small guild I'm in

I also read roleplaying, roleplaying was so much better back in the day lol, nowadays its dumb. Back in the day on RP servers we would take over towers and castles n shit in random zones, and have huge battles horde vs alliance, people RP'd all over the map. Am I wrong when I say people just sit in goldshire or redridge or w/e nowadays on RP servers?
you're not wrong to say that but that's also not roleplaying imo. there are loads of people in the cities who do tavern roleplay but I've also been a part of guilds recently that have ran massive, lore-based scenarios where we'd do quests together, or do IC dungeons/raids.
spontaneous quest RP still happens quite a bit in my experience, I'll be questing in some area and I'd just pop IC at a quest hub and get something like "you're headed that way as well? shall we band together for the time being?" but I've always been a fan of roleplay so I've seeked out guilds that actually do large events like this. honestly I'd say I've done more guild applications for hardcore roleplaying guilds than I have for hardcore pve guilds lmao
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