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Old 07-2-2016, 12:31 PM   #48
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Default Re: Quick Credit Nab!

Originally Posted by _Zenith_ View Post
To be fair there is no indication that just one song isn't the answer; the problem isn't viewed as multiple solutions/songs because that's not the way you instructed the riddle (especially by censoring one word, throwing people far into left field).
According to the replays, people have already figured out this censored word. However, if the riddle was TRULY solved, then the person would know that there are multiple songs because the answer points to a wide brush. I edited the instructions and clarified the rules a bit more, but because it did say originally that you cannot repeat someone else's replay, I thought that would have been clear, especially with the fact that if I decided to make it a super specific score, such as 1-2-3-4-5, or X-5-0-0-0, it would be impossible to have more than one winner if the answer was restricted to one song.

DDRNG, yeah, way off buddy. And there is very little actual math involved. :P
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