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Old 07-1-2016, 03:09 PM   #19
Digital Dancing!
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Default Re: Rushy's 11th OT "Draw the songs in MSPaint" Thread

Round 2:

So dAnceguy, in a desperate attempt to get the gin and tonic he so desires, went to the Divinty Garden Bar (which may or may not be a gay bar) that had a very interesting disco ball, creating a Diamante Spectrasplosion. He sat down, blind from thirst and ordered his favorite drink to get a taste of that Gin Tonic Flavor. He was so quick to appease his craving that he didn't even notice that the bartender was like super hot. dAnceguy's eyes were so bloodshot from all the sleepless nights without gin and tonic, so he noticed the nice lady sitting down the bar named Gloria and asked if he could borrow her sunglasses. She said, "Sure, honestly I'm so old.. it's lucky that I'm Alive. Here go you, sonny." The rest of the conversation was pointless and Boooring! so I'll spare you the details. Now that dAnce guy was equipped with the Shades of Gloria, he was ready to give the customary nod to the bartender, thinking quietly to himself, "You're gonna love my nuts."

Last edited by rushyrulz; 07-1-2016 at 07:38 PM..
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