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Old 06-25-2016, 02:42 AM   #75
Cold Kitten
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Default Re: Official Tournament Round 1 Files

Originally Posted by Xenorosth View Post
I'm expecting to only last 1-2 rounds regardless of where I am d3+. All of my best scores are 5 years ago, and I don't even know if all of them are mine because I had a friend who was better than me who played a few rounds on my account. That was when I was in high school, so it may very well be it wasn't actually my score. The only ones that I know for sure that are mine are the ones from previous tournaments.

Honest to god, I doubt that I could top 16 d2, but my scores say otherwise, and I accept that. At least if I'm going to only be in there for 2 rounds, I'd rather play the file that personally is easier for at least one of the rounds. The d4 file is more fun to me than the d3 file. But even moreso, I asked in the main thread after I got placed in d3 that I'd rather just not play at all. Then I wouldn't be going on this rant because I want to be competitive (and yet all the way at the bottom of my tier)
most of the people in this tournament haven't played for years. my top 5 scores are all from 1-5 years ago as well. i took the time to practice. i was D2 myself two weeks before the tournament (had an alt account to prove it) but by practicing, i jumped back up to d4. am i going to place in d4? hell no. but i'm willing to push myself to get there, or at least try to.

everyone gets placed in divisions they don't think they should be. but we suck it up. if you have this big a problem with where you're placed, then don't play at all. that's up to you. but you'll likely get a file next round that IS easier for you in D3 than the D4 round song will be.

i don't get why people complain about their placements so much. it sucks, yeah, but it should be motivation more than anything.


Originally Posted by Kanzas View Post
Marry Me

but seriously, Follow You is so much easier that RS,BS... I have timing issues so I get a lot of goods from that, but the patterns are much more simple. The triples are a wee bit difficult, but they aren't bad. But, hey, to each their own I guess. But seriously, practice. This IS the hardest tournament in 6 years, apparently. I sure believe it, it's a big bump from last years thats for sure. Next round might be easier for you though, pattern wise. You never know. I have trouble with 20-30s than I do some 50s. Just PACTERCE!!!
k, when and where

in all seriousness, i haven't played the d3 file yet, and i could be talking out of my ass. but. practice practice practice guyus. it's REALLY not that hard, as i previously said, i was d2 before the tournament started and now i'm low d4. i'm sure as hell not gonna win, but so what? i can still try.

Originally Posted by MinaciousGrace View Post
it's like putting training wheels on gutterguards covered in styrofoam made of bubblewrap with a velcro fanny pack inside a condom

Last edited by Cold Kitten; 06-25-2016 at 02:44 AM.. Reason: double posting is bad, mmkay
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