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Old 06-22-2016, 08:09 PM   #15
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Default Re: orlando shooting

Originally Posted by Kaj3 View Post
You're acting like ISIS is the only major Islamic terrorist group. There are several of them. I will link you to the most prominent ones based on what I saw in the terrorist statistics:
so stop bringing up christianity but dont single out isis. you seem to only accept datasets that reinforce your views.

Keep in mind, that groups such as the Taliban, Al Qaeda, and even ISIS(founded in 1999) were formed before the invasion in Iraq.

yeah founded in 1999, right. funny coincidence the group (under a different name) joining al qaeda in 2004. probably no correlation to be made there. it's not like the US invaded iraq in 2003. funny how it wasn't until 2006 that they actually became the islamic state. in iraq. in 2006.

read the History section of that wikipedia article. funny how there is literally one sentence describing the founding of the group and literally the next sentence jumps to 2004. it's almost like they were completely irrelevant until 2004 i wonder what event that could possibly correspond to.

Also, these groups are no joke like the LRA. They each have a strength in the thousands. However, I find it hysterical that you're now trying to pin this on US foreign policy. How embarrassing.
yeah denying history is much less embarrassing. probably why you are so busy doing it.

You're equating hate crimes against LGBT people with terrorism or I am misunderstanding you? Clarify that for me please.
i'm equating LGBT deaths due to religion with LGBT deaths due to religion.

As for it having to do with politics and history, it does, but not the politics and history you think it does. The direction you're going in seems to imply that Islamic barbarism has something to do with US foreign policy and "Western" Imperialism. Am I correct in my interpretation? If this is what you're implicating by stating "politics and history" then you're gravely mistaken and are talking about the wrong "politics and history." The politics, in particular, I am talking about is political Islam or simply Islamism. Islamism is the politicization of the religion in the form of things like Sharia law. The history that is relevant to the current Islamic barbarism we see today is the history of Islamic conquest, such as this:
yeah man lets zone in on one small portion of history instead of looking at it all and putting everything in context. probably a good idea.


So Muslims killing other Muslims somehow makes it better? I hope this is not what you're implying.

all of it is worth a read, but if you need to you can skip to "US invasion of Iraq"

the point is that not only is a lot of the shia/sunni terrorism a result of the invasion, but that classifying it as Islamic terror is true but also false. it's definitely terrorism, but the motivations are not nearly as simple as you make them out to be, and shouldnt be easily lumped in with anti-LGBT terror in america, or even boko haram in nigeria.

[/quote]I agree with you with on tribalism, but all religions are rooted in tribalism. This tribalism you speak of may have something to do with the biological underpinnings of human beings. And you seriously brought up the IRA? LOL. That's even worse than bringing up the LRA. When is the last time someone died from a terrorist attack from the IRA? [/quote]

when was the ottoman empire? start being consistent. either history matters or it doesn't. (hint: it does)

the point is that religiously oriented terror groups can be motivated by something other than religion.

Nope, you still don't seem to grasp what I stated.
what you stated shows that you have a very simplistic view of the world. when you grow up maybe you will be able to reason your way past "islam bad".

Islam is generally a bigger problem, even if not everywhere. Are all men taller than all women? No, but men are generally taller than women.
and the bulk of lgbt murders take place in south america, which is overwhelmingly christian in religion and culture. Are all men taller than all women? No, but men are generally taller than women.

How exactly is my data biased? It comes straight from Wikipedia. I even told you to look at the data for yourself. Just because I only used one month worth of data doesn't necessarily mean it is biased. I may butcher this, but the one month of data could be looked at as a sample of the whole year's worth of data. It's no mystery why statisticians base their conclusions on populations from samples of the population. It's for a plethora reasons, such as time constraints, the expenditure of resources, and certain limitations.
because you're counting muslim on muslim terrorism as islamic terror, when it's clearly not. it's not islamic terror, it's tribal terror being committed by muslims. it's definitely still terrorism, but it doesnt have nearly the same motivations or root causes as the terrorist attack in orlando.

you seem completely incapable of looking beyond labels.
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