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Old 06-22-2016, 02:26 PM   #19
Frank Munoz
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Default Re: orlando shooting

@ kaj3 it doesn't promote killing unjustly though.
(I posted iterations to the "violent" verses you shared a while back. As well as sources to everything stated here. Not really sure if you looked at that but if not, and you doubt this claim, you can check that. But you may still doubt this as we all have different understandings of what something truly means. There are many Islamic clerics who state this though, and that the views ISIL has of Islam are wrong and degrade the true texts of the Qur'an. Similar to what true Christians have in view of the KKK, and the Westboro church.)
In self defense yes. To those who attack you first, you attack them back.
The same mentality arch had with that pro gun shirt post.
It makes sense though, right? Some one shoots you, you shoot back.
Though he may have meant more preemptive actions then I do, the shirt's text suggested self defense.
Just as the qur'an.

It also doesn't say to kill gays.
It says to tell them what God will do to them, not what you should do to them.
Just as you are misunderstanding the Qur'an, so is ISIL.
Which you've stated yourself actually.
Where you share the same interpretation of the Qur'an as the leader of ISIL does.

ISIL is currently the largest terrorist group
And proceed to grow.
The thing is any radical group has the possibility to become this large and deadly is what we're getting at.
Which has happened.

No one is denying that islamic terrorism is the most frequent currently
There are arguably, depending on the location, bigger threats to mankind, but we like to focus on what's more obvious.
It's why we are at war with ISIL.
ISIL is at war with ~60 countries, either directly or indirectly, and because of this they have attacked them all. It's why their attacks are so frequent.
And we want to end their misguided view of islam asap.
Not Islam itself just because ISIL gives a quote before their atrocities or say it's in the name of Allah doesn't mean it's right. I can AAA EHHS right now and say it was in the name of [x] religion and use a misquoted verse from its texts to justify my actions. Even if I truly believe myself that's what the texts mean and my actions will get me into heaven doesn't mean I am right.

Though my actions may by inspired by [x] religion doesn't mean it is [x] religion.
Though my remix of drake's "hotlinebling" is inspired by it, doesn't mean it is "hotlinebling".

Also yea, choof had like an epiphany mid thread.
I don't really hold it against you for missing it as there are alot of post to read, but being this engaged on the topic I gotta wonder why you chose to skip some posts, especially one made by the OP.
Oh well, misunderstandings happen.
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