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Old 06-18-2016, 04:13 PM   #174
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Default Re: What's the origin of your FFR username?

A couple friends and I were brainstorming helping me come up with a username. I wanted something that I wouldn't get tired of and that was unique and interesting. After a lot of thought and different combinations, DissonantMuse was one I came up with and I liked how it sounded. Being an artist, the word muse seemed fitting. a muse is a source of inspiration usually personified as a woman; also why in Greek mythology the nine goddesses presiding over the arts and sciences were called muses (goddesses of inspiration). But it also has an older definition meaning meditation or an instance of reflection so either definition seemed to work. Basically my username means inharmonious inspiration or inharmonious deep reflection. What it means to me is finding harmony in something inharmonious, or finding inspiration in an unlikely place. I like the fact that it can mean a couple different things, but basically the same concept, but I kind of leave it open to interpretation. I just thought it fit my personality and it's stuck ever since.

Last edited by DissonantMuse; 06-18-2016 at 09:07 PM..
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