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Old 06-14-2016, 10:25 AM   #48
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Default Re: orlando shooting

Originally Posted by Elmerz View Post
So sorry about your loss Martin :/ .
People are seriously fucked. How could anyone believe that any good could come out of such a horrific act? To top it off the assailant was killed in the act of committing these murders.
It is in the name of their God. If they die during the attack, it is backed up by their religious ideologies and the promise of eternal life after death. Radical religious groups, as choof said, are the problem here in general; people who are willing to pay the ultimate price to show their reverence to their God(s). Secular societies / secular people live based on the probably correct assumption that there is no afterlife, which means they have no motive to go out and suicide bomb a bunch of people because they know that there won't be a God on the other side to reward them. When is the last time Norway flew an airplane into a building or shot up a night club or bombed a school? Never.

Make the most out of the limited, short amount of time you have to be alive and don't spend it hating people in the name of your God.


It is absolutely disgusting that people are so convinced that an invisible man in the sky exists and is giving them instructions to kill innocent people, and then they are so convinced that it is divine inspiration that they ACTUALLY FUCKING DO IT.


Last edited by rushyrulz; 06-14-2016 at 10:28 AM..
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