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Old 06-13-2016, 07:34 PM   #19
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Default Re: orlando shooting

Originally Posted by Frank Munoz View Post
I personally wouldn't blame people for considering "gun control",
being that it's the largest mass murder in the history of the usa committed with firearms.
whether it's the right thing to consider or not, people are desperate to end this stuff, especially when mourning.

The reason I mention this is because the context of your claim "...the narrative around this shooting is literally already about gun control..."
makes it seem like those who considered it are wrong to do so.
Makes you seem inconsiderate, but maybe that's your thing iono.
This feels to me like it's a "gun control issue" in the same way 9/11 was an "airplane issue" or the Boston bombing was a "pressure cooker issue"

These things are always way more complicated than they seem - already we know (or, rather, many news sources are rather confidently reporting) that the shooter was male, Muslim, a registered Democrat, a legal gun owner... that's already a lot of very politically charged aspects of one person's identity that could be part of the issue. It's totally possible that altering gun laws are a way to prevent tragedies like this in the future. But it was less than a day after the event and people were already clamoring about "omg guns kill gay people!" and that prompted the standard response from the other side "omg ther taken er guns!!!" and its like, calm the fuck down America. We don't know shit about what happened yet. For the narrative I'm seeing from major news stations to already be so completely about this one aspect of the issue is laughable.

Also you realize if a law expert went on air and said "oh hey, Muslims bomb things, and yeah some of 'em really hate gays, so it could be that" that person would so incredibly instantly be out of a job and probably lynched IRL, but saying the same thing -incorrectly, I might add- about white people seems to be a totally okay and routine part of a TV appearance? I'm not objecting to experts considering that a white person might be behind the crime, I'm objecting to the hilarious double standards where it's acceptable to randomly point fingers at white people when anyone else would be a taboo target (and, for the record, publicly pointing fingers like that without really knowing much should be a taboo, white people included). It makes me mad because it's racist and nobody seems to have the balls to call it that, and people do it all the time and I know that's why we're going to be stuck with 4 years of goddamn President Trump


Last edited by hi19hi19; 06-13-2016 at 07:41 PM..
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