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Old 06-12-2016, 02:07 PM   #205
D7 Elite Keymasher
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Default Re: 11th Official Tournament

Originally Posted by Soundwave- View Post
This logic is only slightly more correct than saying I'm capable of D7 scores because if I tried really hard to improve I'd get there eventually.
the difference is that d3 requires nothing other than muscle memory. you could take a random person off the street that has never played a rhythm game in their life and implant the muscle memory to perform at a d3 level and they would be able to do it fine (yes i know this isnt actually possible but that doesnt matter). the same cant be said for d7+ because at that point the game actually requires physical forearm muscle growth that you wouldnt normally see from a normal person

i would also like to say that it takes almost no time to recover skill at <d5, i wouldnt be surprised to see a d3 player get back to their previous skill level after a 5 year break in a month. it wouldnt surprise me at all because it doesnt take long at all to recover skill at that level. hell i wouldnt be surprised to see a player who has never played a rhythm game in their life get to d3 in a month of playing the game.
is expressing my inability to create a creative signature an act of creativity in and of itself?

Last edited by Walrusizer; 06-12-2016 at 02:16 PM..
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