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Old 05-14-2016, 12:54 PM   #9
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Default Re: Why am I still unranked?

Originally Posted by _Zenith_ View Post
I believe you needed x amount of unique plays (not the same song played multiple times) but I forget how much that amount is.

EDIT: Maybe it's x amount of unique and x amount of total songs played, there's a post somewhere on the forums about when skill rating came out with the leaderboards.

EDIT2: Yeah it's that first edit
We went away with requiring X amount of unique and total songs played when we introduced Levels, so players could start tracking their progress immediately. Thank you for reminding me to remove that error message.

Originally Posted by Arky1101 View Post
I have 1452 games played at the moment i'm writing this. I don't understand why is my level still n/a as well as my rank. Can somebody explain to me how this works? I've read somewhere that you have to clear at least 50 songs to get a rank, but I've done that. I got FC on most, do they all have to be AAA or something? I mostly play harder songs that I know I can't get a FC on because they are more fun, so I don't have many songs passed, but its still over 50. Please tell me how this works.
You can update your rank by visiting your levelranks, or update ranks from the Leaderboard dashboard.

We chose not to update ranks automatically, because the request takes ~15 seconds to process, and would cause significant server load if we recalculated skill rating after every song. There is a better solution to this, and I am trying to do away with manually updating.
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