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Old 05-6-2016, 01:45 PM   #13
FFR Player
Join Date: Nov 2014
Posts: 199
Default Re: Who's fault would it be?

so by this logic, we are all complicit in the exploitation of african miners that work to mine the metals used in our phones and computers. we should all be tried for war crimes because we continue to elect presidents who completely ignore the geneva conventions. why is it that we are worried about drunk drivers when we are at fault for the degradation of humanity and the environment? we cant just call the cops on the leaders of the industries that are destroying man so we fight amongst ourselves and call the cops on each other. I honestly couldnt care less about drunk driving. idiots will exist no matter where you go and the exact when and where of accidents is hard to predict. I think if we are worried about fault, we should look at the bigger issues affecting the world
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