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Old 04-3-2016, 03:51 AM   #233
FFR Player
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Join Date: Jan 2012
Posts: 136
Default Re: SM Scores ~2016 Edition~

@hi19hi19 your PA's pretty nice, don't think I'll be able to match it for a while. But who knows... :s
@Walrusizer rip '~'

Had yet another pretty solid skillboost session in conjunction with increasing my scroll speed a little (rather than the skillboost occurring exclusively because of it). Still in the process of figuring out a comfortable one that doesn't result in me hitting early all the time like I still seem to do in spite of my current overall accuracy improvements, so I'll see how my next sessions go once I increase it some more.

Pretty solid D6 baseline JS score for me, I did it shortly after warmup without tensing up much which is nice. c:

It has been a significant stamina goal of mine for a good while, and I finally crushed it :3
Really liking where my consistency is going, feels so much better to not completely fall apart due to jumptrill transitions anymore.

Finally stopped being bad at handstream from the looks of it, felt really nice to get such a high score on my first AA.

First AA, and apparently near-95 as well. Was crushing the 260 JS sections rather nicely which makes it a satisfactory run in my eyes. c:

Still keep choking at the very end due to stamina, rip. ;__;

Probably not gonna be touching this again anytime soon till I can fully crush it to perfection.
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