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Old 03-21-2016, 04:17 AM   #203
FFR Player
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Default Re: SM Scores ~2016 Edition~

Originally Posted by DeadSignal View Post
Not worth the struggle to force yourself to pass it right now. Take it from someone that has been playing almost-exclusively for passes till sometime last year when I did get around to actually passing Disregard... which was with a score of like 73% thus meaning it wasn't really worth anything anyway. It would be somewhat like me forcing myself to pass Soldiers of the Stamina or Tactical Railroad on rates without any regard as to whether I'm actually hitting the patterns anywhere close to properly or not... in other words, by almost-purely through mashing my way through it.

Basically what I'm saying is that I personally wouldn't base someone being "trash" at the game on them being unable to pass songs charted in a manner that their current skillset would certainly not allow them to execute optimally in the first place. And to be honest it doesn't really matter how "good" or how "bad" you are, as long as you derive pleasure and/or self-satisfaction from whatever you feel are your personal milestones in-game. I mean, that's the whole point of playing a game after all.

I am not making this statement purely from that perspective however, as even if we were to solely take into consideration a progress/improvement driven attitude in regards to this game, excessively straining yourself or otherwise forsaking "proper" play just to pass songs generally results in close to zero progress from a functional standpoint.

also yeah firmament 1.1 looks solid, wish I could've caught it on stream

i understand where you're coming from

what i should have said is "my speed isn't fast enough to pass disregard", i'm not focusing on disregard alone. i hope you understand that as well

but thanks for that i appreciate it when people give useful advice like that.

also i've been focusing more on js and scoring well as a result of playing osumania more so that's good. maybe i could even play soldiers of the stamina someday
Originally Posted by MinaciousGrace View Post
everyone has a different idea of what division 8 is and where the cutoffs are and what constitutes them and then people just pull numbers out of their ass and try to compare those numbers to other people pulling numbers out of their ass based on totally different metrics and then you just a self propelled self reinforcing shitfest of mass confusion so deep that people don't even realize they're confused
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