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Old 03-10-2016, 06:27 PM   #20
FFR Player
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Join Date: Jan 2012
Posts: 136
Default Re: DeadSignal/csenc Progress Thread.

Forgot to post a handful of scores from shortly after my last update, so splitting this post into two parts.

As evidenced by my choke towards the end, I haven't been able to break past 88-89 no matter how hard I tried.

Casually attempted this on stream, didn't turn out too bad from the looks of it.

That solo section makes no sense.

Unexpected AA, felt pretty good to get.

I rarely play stuff on 0.x rates, I guess that was ok-ish though?

First pass on this song, can't perform consistently on it though because of reading and technique.

Intended to play this as jumptrill practice, except I ended up hitting the split ones as quadjacks... oops.

Choked AA towards the second half, not sure if it's even actually worth anything.

Those transitions are so tricky. :S

Hai, I have bad quadjack technique.

First A, think I'm getting somewhere...

This is probably my first time actually fully hitting the long jacks, just need to do better on them and I'm good to go.

Probably sdg-able once my technique gets better.

Those patterns are so hard on the second half. D:

After having taken a 1-week break due to physiological exhaustion among other things, I have lowered my scroll speed due to my tendency to overstrain and have most of my non-marvelous hits and cb's occur late for the most part. This has led to me improving rather-significantly as I am now able to produce better scores without straining myself as hard.

Fucked up horrendously on the 24ths, glad to have finally AA'd this though.

Combos weren't as impressive as my previous attempts, but at least I stopped falling apart like I used to.

Felt like I was going to fluke-AA this, but I ended up dropping it somehow... thus ruining what could have been a godlike run in my eyes given how intense it felt all the way. Oh well. :c

Another fluke 92% score, felt quite surprising/funny to get. c:

Seemed on pace for 96-97% given how hard I was crushing the jumptrills, till I fucked up the ending. :s First AA though, so that's nice I guess.

Eze's chart, improvable score due to random/odd cb's.

Probably AA-able, second half probably gets harder though.

310 streams, felt like a nice improvement from my 92.97% score I got a while back.

First AA on this file, the 24ths are so hard though. ;__;

Nice meme score, I wouldn't have deserved it anyway.

Oh look, I actually AAA'd something.
These don't feel like much at all considering how accuracy stands out perhaps by far as the weakest aspect of my skillset, but at least I have finally done so after ~4 years since I started playing this game.

I need to work on MA more, may eventually post a few more accuracy scores depending on how my next sessions turn out... but I don't know yet.

Last edited by DeadSignal; 03-10-2016 at 06:28 PM..
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