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Old 02-25-2016, 12:34 AM   #8
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Default Re: Improvement Advice

Your key configuration and scrolling speed look fine to me. Shadowcliff suggests using a "concave" key config (e.g. SX.; or DCMK), and there are two big reasons you might want to use this setup: your wrists will be in a more neutral position which you may find more comfortable, or if, like me, your index fingers are noticeably shorter than your middle fingers, you may find that with a standard spread setup you have to curl your middle fingers to an unnatural degree. Either way, feel free to give it a try and see if you prefer it to what you're using currently! As far as scrolling speed is concerned, there are players at both ends of the spectrum, so just use whatever allows you to read most comfortably.

Other than that, icontrolyourworld is arguably correct in saying that there isn't any clear-cut way to improve your playing, as generally improvement is something that occurs naturally (and often sporadically!). Constantly challenge yourself, and before you know it, songs you struggle with today will become effortless. It feels good B)

Originally Posted by icontrolyourworld View Post
stare lower on the screen as much as possible (if you read upscroll, otherwise visa versa) this gives optimal time to react to the arrows
For the record, I personally disagree with this; while this may apply to some players, I believe it's better to focus closer to the receptors so as to optimize accuracy, and giving yourself enough time to react should be done by adjusting your scrolling speed.

That said, I virtually never think about where to focus while I'm playing, so it might be best to simply not worry about it and let your eyes do whatever they need to. Processing incoming arrows already demands a fair amount of concentration (especially if you're playing outside of your comfort zone), and probably the last thing you want to be doing is actively thinking about where to affix your gaze.
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