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Old 02-23-2016, 03:47 PM   #48
FFR Player
Join Date: Jan 2006
Posts: 4
Default Re: Thinking about suicide

you put yourself in the hands of other people tooo much. So much that you let the expectations of your parents/social pressures drive you to the point of not being able to deal with the pressures, and that makes you want to escape from them.
Unfortunately, when you have people around you that don't really understand what's going on in your mind, and that seem to prioritize things like school/external shit over caring about your actual internal state, you can't really find escape from that. Not unless you can actually like, leave your house and sit out in a park or like somewhere like that.
IF YOU FIND ESCAPE THROUGH SLEEPING AND "COMFORTS" RATHER THAN FINDING A PLACE OF PEACE TO TRULY FIND WHAT YOU NEED OR WHAT'S HAPPENING, YOU WILL DEVELOP PATHWAYS IN YOUR MIND THAT WILL MAKE YOU AUTOMATICALLY CHOOSE THE "ESCAPE ROUTE". THIS WILL MEAN THAT YOU WILL SPIRAL FURTHER INTO DEPRESSION, and this is what happens to tons of people. They get adjusted to taking the path of least resistance, which is escape through things like sleep, or anything innately pleasurable and isolated, and the act of choosing something purely out of pleasure builds up like a cancer in the mind. It is only through finding places of PEACE AND AWARENESS that you can eradicate this habituated thought pattern. It is this pattern that drives your depression, as it literally prolongs the issues that are making you anxious rather than having you find a way to overcome them.

You have one option: face them, face everything you've been stalling out from or hiding from and be true to yourself as to what YOU WANT RATHER THAN FORCING YOURSELF TO TAKE A PATH OUT OF FEAR OF NOT LIVING UP TO EXPECTATIONS. Don't let your decisions be made before they feel right, don't let pressure make you make a large move in the wrong direction.

I will tell you, there is absolutely nothing wrong with you. Medicine with "bandage" these issues, but they are much gentler issues than you believe.

The "victim" state of mind is a subconscious, semi-hard-coded way humans have of dealing with fear. It tempts us to become attached to thoughts of self-deprecation, doubt, escape, domination/submission feelings towards those around us, and other things like that. It makes us believe that these ways of thinking are real, but if you examine them, they are no more than a chemical, pleasure feeling that comes from the thought of having protected ourselves from a present fear. This way of thinking can become addicting: it triggers the same "reward" chemicals (dopamine) that meth, some anti-depressants, and other drugs do. Eventually, whenever the fear is felt, this escape will become almost an automatic response, and it will grow in the mind if it is allowed to. We must find peace because this state of mind is hell, and it disallows us to see the result of our actions and how we can affect ourselves and develop into the future. We have to face those things now, or else we will continue to spiral downward. No one around you is controlling you. The initial push seems the hardest, but once you have chosen to stop believing that you are trapped, you can make your own decisions without the threat of others more easily and you will become happy.
You do not need medicine, you don't need a "professional" to tell you what's wrong or give you synthetic chemicals that have long term negative effects of the brain AND hide an issue that is much more easily/healthily resolved through awareness, freedom, and self-love. Eastern culture is far ahead of western ideals on this matter: diseases of the mind can and must be fixed with the mind and spirit, because no medicine can cure a thought pattern, or a lack of awareness to certain things that would otherwise allow us to understand what is truly going on in our heads. If we are to inspire love and creativity, we have to develop love in ourselves and find peace, no matter how harsh the environment around us may seem. Many others have it far, far, far worse, and they can also find this inner peace and achieve higher states of mind. Nothing ever inhibits this, and through achieving higher states of mind, we can rise above our body's dictatorship of us and understand the pain of the body is nothing since we are far more and can achieve much greater things than our primal ancestors we evolved from.

good luck man don't give in to the bullshit of yourself or other people
killing yourself, would the pain really go away?
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