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Old 02-8-2016, 05:27 AM   #62
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Default Re: Permissions List and Information v8

Was digging through the permissions list as I'm finally gonna ask for a permission I've been wanting for a while and I saw that you're missing the screen shot for Zentra's permission

Here it is, I went and dug it up, and recaptured it so you have it.

I looked for the Arrowhead permission in the messages folder, but it's not there so me being me, I probably deleted it like a dummy, as messages in the inbox anywhere ANNOYS me immensely. The fact this is here earnestly surprises me.

Edit: Ok, not a total dummy, found it as it was in my google folder for these.

Also feel I should note I did this because I saw I'd deleted the old images.

Edit 2: Oh, I'm dumb and it's about links. Eh w/e probably better these are reposted either way.

Last edited by XelNya; 02-8-2016 at 05:33 AM..
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