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Old 10-28-2015, 07:15 AM   #13
DossarLX ODI
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Default Re: Official Tournament Special Batch

Originally Posted by SKG_Scintill View Post
you've got a year's worth of files just sitting there, and now you're asking for more files?
This Official Tournament Batch was an excellent course of action to take and I'll explain why:

Silvuh has made a draft of a new transfer policy which allows stepartists to move their files from the regular batches to a special batch if the file matches specific criteria. In the case of the Official Tournament Batch, there are specific difficulty ranges. So rather than having to waiting for a long backlog of regular batches to finish, stepartists can use the transfer policy as a shortcut to move files fitting that specific difficulty criteria to the Official Tournament Batch.

The transfers don't count towards submission slots in the special batch, although the slots in the regular batch are still taken by that file. Think of the policy as a way to skip through a long line of waiting without being penalized.

Sample scenario:
- Stepartist has a file in July 2015
- Stepartist feels like the file fits the 27-29 difficulty range, so the stepartist makes a request to transfer the file from July 2015 to the Official Tournament Batch.
- The file is looked over for a rough difficulty estimate and if it does fit the difficulty range, it is moved to the Official Tournament Batch with an update stating it was a transfer from July 2015.
Originally Posted by hi19hi19 View Post
oh boy, it's STIFF, I'll stretch before I sit down at the computer so not I'm not as STIFF next time I step a file
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