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Old 09-22-2015, 02:41 PM   #5
Snivy! Dohoho!
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Default Re: Where's the Exit?

Not more than 2 minutes ago, some poor, unfortunate soul came up to me.

She was lost, perplexed, and didn't know where to go.

She came to me, came to me with her pleading eyes hidden behind those glasses that must have seen many things that I couldn't possibly fathom.

She muttered... "I'm lost..."

I ask her, trying to see if I can lift her perplexed demeanor. "Not a problem, what're you trying to find?" I wondered if it could've been one of the rooms in the far corners since no one really has any business in there except for staff and people with appointments.

"...I can't seem to find the exit."

It was at that very moment, my smile faltered slightly as I heard that statement. I was instantly brought back into my memories of the other times someone has asked me this question. It makes me question what is happening in that point in time to the person in front of me.

I quickly readjusted though so she wouldn't notice, her pleading eyes telling she was serious about it.

"Just through those glass doors behind you," I replied. She thanked me and turned around. She did something that none the others did though. She saw the "EXIT" sign, shining brightly to all who wish to know that it was indeed the exit. She gasped and muttered something incomprehensible to my ears.

She quickly walked out not even turning around.

And I have to wonder, as I stare at her leaving through those glass doors, how in the GOD DAMN FUCKITY FUCK does one not know where an exit is when there's one GOD DAMN HOLY SMITEN entrance?

I will never know

Originally Posted by JohnRedWolf87 View Post
Charu the red-nosed Snivy
Had a very shiny nose
And if you ever saw it
You could even say it glows

All of the other Snivies
Used to laugh and call him names
They never let poor Charu
Join in any Snivy games

(Click the arrow to see the rest)

Originally Posted by Vendetta21 View Post
All in all I would say that Charu not only won this game, his play made me reconsider how I play it.
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