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Old 08-30-2015, 08:04 PM   #49
ur worst nitemare
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Default Re: Give me a song, I'll describe its visuals


48° 52' N 2° 21' E
aka Paris (Hour Seven)

As a train screams by, guided on rails of reverb and a sense of purpose, a fair skinned and light haired girl looks down at her notebook, whispers solemnly and begins to write. Prose? Poetry? A diary? The hasty scribbles bring with them a feeling of hurriedness, a fleeting thought that lands gently on her shoulder. If she is not careful, it will take flight, leaving her behind to simply wonder about what could have been. The speaker's voice rings out, calculated and devoid of emotion, but it causes the girl to write again. Fighting the crowd, not physically, but mentally. The sudden bustle of activity, the train's bellowing of steam, all cause for her thoughts to break. And do they? We can only look on as traveller upon traveller stride to the train doors, tickets in hand, but as the voices descend upon her, we can feel her anxiety. Her thoughts have been broken. She stands quietly, notebook clutched to her chest, and disappears into the collective, her train's horn finally sounding the departure. One last final whisper, gone.

I just noticed this album is tagged as "sonic cartography" and goddamn if that isn't the most accurate tag ever I don't know what is
some feathery f**k
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