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Old 08-14-2015, 03:01 PM   #379
O Derby, Where Art Thou?
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Default Re: Puzzle & Dragons

I guess here were my rolls
Shiva - Missing Hinokagutsuchi and Cao Cao but wow I'm super hyped for this. Current team would look like Shiva / Urd, Urd, RValk, flex (likely Chiyome or Nim) / Shiva.
Thumbelina - uguu
Mystic Flame Knight - uguu x2

*bought some stones because I'm a terrible person*

Undine - uguu x3
Gryps Rider Finn - would be okay if I didn't already have Persephone and Hanzo
GrimRock - uguu x4
DQXQ - yass. Will definitely go on my LMeta team once I uvo her to DQ
Hatsume - dupe that I will likely sell for MP once we get the MP shop. Unless I feel like having a dupe on an Andromeda team idk.

I'm now starting to get to a point where I need to be really selective about which godfests I pull. I have a buttload of possible teams (Athena, Awoken Shiva, LKali, Verdandi, LMeta, DMeta, Awoken Horus, and Durga) that I'm pretty set for leaders and a fair number of key subs until the next power creep rolls in. Forcing myself to not do at least 1 pull every godfest will be tough, though.

Last edited by tosh; 08-14-2015 at 03:14 PM..
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