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Old 07-30-2015, 12:59 PM   #868
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Default Re: The FFR Step-RPG (Status: Active)

So I was wrong about the % chance to receive a legendary item, but here are the % chances for all items in case anyone was curious:

Base Items (Tier 1) -- 55% Chance
Set Items (Tier 2) -- 24% Chance
Rare Items (Tier 3) -- 14% Chance
Epic Items (Tier 4) -- 7% Chance
Legendary Items (Tier 5) -- 3% Chance

There is also Tier 6 items, named "Absolute God Items" but they are shelved until far later into this event.

Also some news to give to you guys, the Dungeon Calculator is doing well and so far so good. It isn't tested yet as there is still work to do on it, but nevertheless it is a huge leap and bound to get this event really booming.

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