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Old 05-25-2015, 10:10 PM   #700
The Dominator
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Default Re: Anime north 2015 hype thread

Okay finally finished my shout-outs:

Adam - Always a pleasure (makeup), I still think you missed out on not having a Mango Blaster
Ally - I feel like I barely saw you all weekend! Definitely making sure I'm in Toronto longer next year so we get to hang out more also more hugs
Amy+Will - A+ greeting this year as per usual, Will your speeches get more epic and risque every year and Amy you managed to be more drunk than me at the rave somehow, bravo!
Andy - Had a blast hanging with you briefly before the rave on Sat! I think I've found a new rum of choice (sry Bacardi you taste like jet fuel now)
Bmah - Was really awesome to meet you, I know you said you were having a hard time adjusting to new time zone so quickly so hopefully you get to the con earlier next year as well!
Brandon+Vickie - Had a 10/10 drunken convo with Brandon about fiffer and we played some files on my account (somewhat hazy lmao), anywho it was awesome, also Vickie you're hilarious and should definitely challenge me to trivia crack sometime
Caliber - DUDE YOU'RE NOT SHORT WTF, it really was nice meeting you, didn't get to chat too much but I think it's safe to say I'll be seeing you again at future AN's
Funnygirl - Hello I'm Dinmo Nice To Meet You *shakes hand*, best reaction in group pic btw well done
Izzy - Great to see another person who's been around for as long as I can remember, don't worry man, there might have been 20 ppl watching the D1 osu players but count me in on watching some high caliber indexing! I totally packed my SMO shirt btw but didn't end up wearing it rip
Jordan - Thanks for saving me from not knowing wtf I was doing on that sdvx machine lmao...someday scratchmania will come back dude (and it might have to now that sdvx is ded rip rhythm game room), also need to party with ya next year 8)
Kommi - Nothing completes AN like Kommi completely destroying rhythm games with his fro in full force, this year was no exception. I was hoping to have a shot of vikingdfjord with you this year, ah well
Luis - Aw SHEEIT, thanks for making me laugh at literally the smallest things. I feel bad we didn't get to chill as much this year cuz rip only 1 full day at the con but the little time we did spend it was hilarious. (who thought channel surfing could be that humourous lmao). Also shout-outs to doge pack and laughing at outrageous joke files (srsly that's all i did was laugh gaddamn hahaha)
Lurker - Don't listen to the haters bro I knew your tail wasn't a buttplug <3 Also shout-outs to Wild Turkey, I'll try harder to unleash drunk lurker next year rofl
Mike(remedy) - Hey we actually got some time to chat this year! Had a good time ripping on ffr charts with you, ps. sparkle downer is still impossible goddammit!
Nekoflaa - HEJ!! I'm starting to think that all Norwegians are just amazing people all around, was fun having you around to share in our room's shenanigans and I sincerely thank you for saving my phones life <3 Hope to see visit with you again some time!
Pat+rest of KBO crew - You guys really got this whole "FFR meet-up at AN" thing going into what it is today or at least had a large part of it so huge thanks for that , see you next year!
Pete - We didn't get to go super saiyan 5 this year and that made me sad BUT that just means next year we have to make up for it! nevar forget bff's <3
Rob+Maggie - rip Maggie, rip catan, rip everything! lmao jk, the short time i did get to see you was awesome, lets plan something for next year (or sooner?)!
Spenner+Plopadop - Actually got to say hi and chat a bit this year! Was great meeting you both, see you next year??
Stian - Okay so this year I made it a point to observe you wreck stepmania and I'm glad I did, literally was speechless at some points. (mfw I failed a chart you AA'd not 30 mins prior). I realized Sunday when I was halfway home that I forgot the norwegian chocolate you gave me asdkljlfhslkjdf rip. ps. you made me actually enjoy playing osumania btw thanks for that
Team Sega aka Quebec Crew - To save from writing an entire essay which is what this was turning into I'll just tl;dr and say you guys are all legends. Watching Haku break 100 billion grand total was amazing, Martin + Mathieu's cosplays were amazing, Felix destroying me with his F8 pack + Tetris was amazing (also rave hue), Sven for reasons that need no mention = also amazing!
Thai - Bae <3, i'm sad we didn't run into eachother at the rave or afterwards on saturday, this needs to happen next year!
TrixiePuff - Was great meeting you this year! I'm pretty sure had you not walked me back from the rave I would have destroyed more than one shoe lmao, I had an awesome time chatting/hanging out in the ddr room too, let's do this more next year!
VancouFFR - I feel like I only saw all of you for a few minutes! Definitely need to change that, argh why is the weekend so short <_>
Zelda - Was nice seeing you this year, you're always happy no matter what which is pretty awesome, also huge thank you for the bracelet was a very kind gesture on your part

If I missed anyone I'm sry, trying to get in quality time with 52 ppl in a ~40 hour time frame is insane!!

Debating posting epic tucker's vid in here...
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