Thread: Deadfish Riddle
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Old 05-18-2015, 09:37 AM   #1
scumfan is scared of aa
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Default Deadfish Riddle

Keith was taking a break from conquering the world on a luxury cruise and went to the dining hall,
only to find the cooks had a huge number of fish. After asking how many fish there were,
the chef replied 'iiisdddsddddddddddddddddsdddd'. How many fish are there?

Hint: It's all a bunch of deadfish.

I'm stumped :c

(red means incorrect | green means correct)
Mourningfall - 1174
TheRapingDragon - 30
KrazyKitzune - 396 *I OWE YOU 10k CREDITS*

All the other problems are in the thread. Currently #3 and #4 are live.
The rules are simple, if you're the first one to solve the problem, you get 10k. I might be paying for an entire ==Planet Karma== so solve those problems!!

Credit Standings:
KrazyKitsune - 10,000
llyair - 20,000

Why are you here?

Last edited by danceflashrevo; 05-19-2015 at 12:00 PM..
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