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Old 05-1-2015, 04:27 PM   #17
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Default Re: Should the FFR Official Tournament Only Use New Files?

Originally Posted by ilikexd View Post
I don't mean to hijack this thread by going too far off onto a tangent, but I think that, as a whole, the mass of submissions that are still pending judgement could cover the greater part of what would be at most 7x10 slots, and that slots at either end of the difficulty spectrum can be specifically filled if needed as per usual. It's just that the ratio of the amount of effort it takes to process and accept content for the game to the ratio that it takes simply to create that content is so monstrous that it has historically reflected in backups and lateness and now in this case stagnation. I simply don't think that the current process under a reduction in activity can persist; in fact, it already has ceased, and that doesn't bode well for organizing activity-producing events such as the official tournament. But I know that it's a quite inopportune time to implement or even contemplate such drastic changes given the calamity of recent events.
You would be surprised how difficult it is to fill in the slots with files of appropriate difficulty even with a ton of submitted files. There always tends to be a lot of files condensed in a certain difficulty area it seems. Easier files are almost impossible to come by. So even with all the backlog, I bet you we couldn't fill the slots needed.

When it comes to things being backlogged in the first place unfortunately it just happened. There just haven't been enough active judges and I know they're working to fix that. As of right now I'm just trying to make sure I can keep events moving smoothly along regardless of the situation.

Originally Posted by Deadlyx39 View Post
Correct me if I'm wrong, but official last year was late September right?
Anyway it seemed to me as a spectator last year that the new files made everything look so much nicer to me as a person who hadn't been on the site in quite a while.
It makes it look like the community cares a lot about the official to people who may be like me who haven't been on the site in a long time.
It wasn't supposed to be, it was supposed to be in the summer. It was held up due to not having enough files of the correct difficulties to fill slots. This is a problem even when things aren't backed up every tournament. Now that it is backed up it could be even worse. I'm projecting late September but it could go beyond that depending how fast everything gets cleared up and if we can hold special batches to fill in the lower and the extremely high area because there are always files missing in those ranges.

Summer is the preferred time for the tournament because people are out of school and generally have more free time.

Originally Posted by Zageron View Post
There is always an option of reducing "Songs of the Week" to "Song" of the week, to help accelerate the growth of the back-log. Is that a feasible idea?
Really this wouldn't make a difference if the files don't fit in specific difficulties. The problem is with the system being backed up we can't hold the special batches we'd need to in order to gain the difficulty ranges we'd need.

Right now all I can do is get with game management and see what in queue would fit into the tournament and see what's still missing and go from there. I'm not really sure where things are as of right now with getting new judges and getting things rolling. I'll get with them over the weekend if they're available.
Originally Posted by Charu View Post
My dick is good, thank you very much. It gets love and attention no matter what <3 <3 <3
Originally Posted by DaBackpack View Post
also a fucking helicopter is the absolute last place I'd go to find out how big my dick is
Originally Posted by Shadow_God_10 View Post
Dawg you don't even know. It's so fuckin' small I can use a pen cap to jack off

Originally Posted by hi19hi19 View Post
yeah I'mma go for the Rave7 route she's just perfect, stiff on the top, thin in the middle, and has a BIG THICC END that I can just jack on all night UwU best girl

Last edited by psychoangel691; 05-1-2015 at 04:32 PM..
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